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The Many Ways Sensitive Detectors of Radiation and Particles Use Superconductivity (and Why)

ABSTRACT: Some of the most sensitive radiation and particle detectors rely on the unique  attributes of superconductivity to achieve their exceptional performance. The broad classification  “Superconducting Detectors” is generally understood in this community to include transition-edge sensors, nano-wire single-photon detectors, superconducting tunnel-junction devices (SIS  and SNS), kinetic inductance devices, and magnetic-penetration-depth devices. These sub-groups, however, represent very different detection schemes. In this talk, I will present the  overarching operating principles and unique detection schemes of these devices, as well as of other closely related detectors. My goal is to highlight the different roles that superconductivity  can play in the design and optimization of sensitive detectors of particles and radiation. Although  characteristics of superconductivity are exploited by these devices, some properties of  superconductors can be obstacles that need to be overcome. There is no single reason to use  superconducting sensors over other approaches, but there are many reasons the superconducting  detectors I will describe will enable breakthroughs in fields from astrophysics  to quantum communication.

Towards the Next Generation Particle Physics Facilities: A Magnet R&D Roadmap

ABSTRACT: For over half a century, high-energy particle accelerators have been a major enabling technology in particle physics, as well as nuclear physics and instruments of research for material science and biology. The decadal Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise known as “Snowmass” is in the final stages. Snowmass is a scientific study to define the most important questions for the field of particle physics and identify promising opportunities to address them. The activity is comprised of 10 “Frontiers” that focus on aspects of particle physics; Accelerator, (High) Energy, Neutrino, Rare Processes and Precision, Theory, Cosmic, Instrumentation, Computation, Underground Facilities, and Community Engagement. The particle physics community has demonstrated great imagination and creativity, proposing a plethora of ideas. The technical maturity of the proposed facilities ranges from shovel ready to those that are still largely conceptual. At this time, over 100 contributed papers have been submitted to the Accelerator Frontier (AF) covering the full spectrum of AF topics: Beam Physics and Accelerator Education, Accelerators for Neutrinos, Accelerators for Electroweak/Higgs, Multi-TeV Colliders, Accelerators for Physics Beyond Colliders and Rare Processes, Advanced Accelerator Concepts, and Accelerator Technology; RF, Magnets, and Targets and Sources. A comprehensive report will be released in October 2022 that will serve as input for the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) to develop a strategic plan for U.S. particle physics that will guide the field for the next decade and R&D priorities beyond that. Particle physics research at the energy frontier drives the development of novel ways to increase energy and improve the performance of accelerators, reduce their cost, and make them more power efficient. Among the wide range of proposals for future facilities that have been put forward, several rely on the development of beyond state-of-the-art superconducting materials and magnets. One of the more challenging proposals, a muon collider, would rely on superconducting magnets with unprecedented bore field and aperture, necessitating the use of high temperature superconductors. Development programs in the US, EU, Japan, and China are actively engaged in efforts to meet the challenge.

This talk will give an overview of some of the collider options and the required superconducting magnet technologies followed by a brief review of current world-wide activities. A comprehensive long-term roadmap, taking into consideration future potential challenges, is proposed.

Building and Exercising a Superconducting Quantum Processor Prototype

ABSTRACT: The Google Quantum AI team develops chip-based circuitry that one can interact with, which behaves reliably according to a simple quantum model. Such quantum hardware holds promise as a platform for tackling problems intractable to classical computing hardware. While the demonstration of a universal, fault-tolerant, quantum computer remains a goal for the future, it has informed the design of a prototype with which we can control quantum systems of unprecedented scale. This talk introduces Google’s quantum computing effort from both hardware and quantum-information perspectives, including an overview of some technological developments and results.

Artificial Pinning Centers and the Quest of High Critical Current Densities in HTS Nanocomposites

ABSTRACT: After theoretical discovery of magnetic vortices by Abrikosov, which received 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics, vortex pinning in type II superconductors has been an important topic of research for high critical current densities in applied magnetic fields desired for a variety of applications in electric and electronic devices and systems. The small vortex core size of a few nanometer comparable to the coherence length in high temperature superconductors (HTSs) has prompted an intensive research in development of nanoscale artificial pinning centers (APCs) in so-called HTS nanocomposites. Exciting results of much enhanced in-field critical current densities and pinning force densities have been achieved. This talk intends to highlight the progress made recently in HTS nanocomposites towards controllable generation of APCs with desired morphologies, dimension, concentration, and pinning efficiency for targeted applications. The future research in HTS nanocomposites to meet the need of practical applications will also be discussed.

Virtual Abstract Writing Workshop

Scientific communication is an essential but often overlooked skill in higher educational institutions. To address this gap, ASC’22 DEI presents a Virtual Abstract Writing Workshop (VAWW) with the aim to help prepare participants, aimed particularly at students and young professionals, to write higher quality abstracts. Great abstracts should be able to capture the readers’ attention with as little words as possible while conveying an effective summary of their scientific processes and results. Given that the language standard for scientific communication is generally in the English language, persons whose first language is not English face additional challenges in the scientific writing process. This event will address this need by providing examples of good quality abstracts and explore the pitfalls of abstract writing and how to avoid them while providing a particular focus on abstract writing techniques for non-native English speakers. This virtual event will be held during the abstract submission window.

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