Senior Scientist, CERN

Dr. Ezio Todesco received his PhD in Physics at the University of Bologna, Italy, on the stability of classical mechanical systems and chaotic motion with application to beam dynamics in circular colliders. In the nineties he participated to the studies of nonlinear motion of protons in the foreseen Large Hadron Collider, and to their long-term stability in view of the magnetic field imperfections. He then joined the CERN magnet group to follow and guarantee the field quality in the production of the LHC main magnets. At the end of the LHC production, he oversaw the magnetic model of the collider during the commissioning phases and in the following runs. In 2007, he started working on the upgrade of the LHC luminosity, focusing on magnet design and on the optics of the interaction regions. Since 2011 he has been leading the worldwide collaboration building the interaction region magnets in the HL-LHC project, with the first Nb3Sn magnets to be installed in a collider in 2026-2028. In 2024, he became the lead for the High Field Magnet program at CERN, in collaboration with numerous institutes and laboratories. He has been teaching superconducting magnet for particle accelerators at the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, at CERN Accelerator School, and at the University of Milano Bicocca. He has been a member of the ASC board since 2020, and he is the author of over 300 publications and contributor to several books.