
Call for Abstracts & Papers

Abstract Submission is scheduled to open January TBD, 2022.

Submissions shall generally address at least one of the areas below. Click here for the full list of submission categories.

  1. Advances in the science of superconductors relevant to applications. Abstracts describing basic materials, films, or artificial structures should discuss properties interesting for applications, forms used in applications such as elementary conductors or simple circuits, or structural or compositional aspects that potentially lead to use in a device. Theoretical content should address topics relevant to applications, operations, or behavior of practical systems. Experimental studies, test methods, and data should relate to aspects of superconductivity important for applications in some way.
  2. Advances in superconducting technology. Abstracts may describe concepts, design, modelling, manufacturing or fabrication, and operation or implementation of superconducting devices or components. Extensions of conventional technologies by the use of superconductivity should emphasize the role of superconductivity in the device or component. Abstracts may describe non-superconducting technologies that are required for the use of superconductors, such as insulation, provided that the primary discussion is focused on applied superconductivity.
  3. Integration of superconducting devices and components in systems. Abstracts may discuss sub-systems or full systems comprised of components such as cables, magnets, detectors, circuits, and so on. Discussions may include components and processes that support superconducting devices, such as cryogenic systems supporting superconducting magnets. Studies of power devices, transportation systems, electricity transmission, energy storage, and other systems that use superconducting components should emphasize the role of superconductivity or the particular aspects of superconductivity important to the system or application. Cryogenics, non-superconducting materials at cryogenic temperature, power supplies, power electronics, and other ancillary topics may be considered provided the connection to applied superconductivity is clear. Also, abstracts may describe facilities to verify operation of components, report system tests, or describe the status of superconducting systems and projects using superconducting components.

Note that the numbers are related to editorial subject areas of the IEEE Transactions of Applied Superconductivity (TAS). A submission category must be selected during abstract submission.

General Information

  • All authors identified as speaker/presenting author on the submitted abstract must register for the conference and be present in Honolulu.
  • Presentations are either oral or poster. The Program Committee reserves the right to change the type of presentation from that preferred by the author to accommodate limitations on meeting space and other constraints.
  • Presentation is a requirement for a submitted manuscript to be considered for peer review. This includes presentations in oral or poster format. The presentation should be given at the appointed time in the program, by the appointed author or co-author (presenter). Only manuscripts based on material presented in an oral presentation or on a poster will be considered for publication. For posters, the word “presented” means that the presenting author must be present during the entire session and available for discussion. Simply posting an enlarged version of the manuscript is not considered as a presentation. The abstract submitter will become the contact author for the manuscript submission. Manuscript submission is not required.
  • Notice of acceptance for inclusion in the ASC 2022 Program will be sent electronically to the Submitting and Presenting Authors on May 25, 2022.

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 23, 2022

Submission categories.


Abstract Submission Deadline: March 23, 2022

This deadline will be STRICTLY observed in fairness to all potential presenters, and the submission site will not accept abstracts after this date.

Abstract Preparation & Submission Guidelines

  • All abstracts must be about applied superconductivity, must be written in the English language, must contain enough information to permit placement of the presentation into the program, and must make logical arguments based on scientific or engineering methods. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not conform to these guidelines.
  • Abstract Submission Checklist:
    • Ensure your abstract contains sufficient information for reviewers to determine its scientific quality.
    • Ensure your abstract is about applied superconductivity and explain the relevance.
    • Ensure your abstract is scientifically meaningful or otherwise descriptive of a substantial development in the ASC community and does it explain why.
  • Formatting will be performed by the abstract management system, please prepare information in plain text. Abstract titles must be in mixed/sentence case.
  • Some symbols (e.g., Greek letters) can be used in the abstract submission, however, if your symbol does not paste correctly (you should be able to see it on the screen), then please substitute the corresponding plain text.
  • Contact information is required for the Submitting Author and the Presenting Author (which may be, but is not necessarily, the same person). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all submitted information.
  • Length restrictions include spaces and are as follows:

♦ Title and Abstract Content/Body: 3000 characters
♦ Acknowledgment: 300 characters

  • A confirmation step will permit authors to verify all content and give final approval. Only completed and approved submissions will be reviewed for technical program consideration.
  • The control number assigned to an abstract once it is submitted is the primary means of identifying an abstract until the program is formed. Please use the control number in any correspondence concerning abstracts until a program number has been issued.

Attention Visa Applicants: If you need an invitation letter for visa application purposes in advance of the [enter date] notification date, please indicate in the submission process that you need an invitation letter and submit your abstract by [enter date]. The Program Committee will endeavor to review your submission early and provide you with a decision (and invitation letter if accepted) by [enter date].

Abstract Changes & Withdrawals

Abstract Changes & Modifications

Abstracts may be modified until the deadline using the abstract submission site unless the submission has already been reviewed by the Program Committee.

If your abstract has already been reviewed and after the submission deadline, abstract content changes, i.e., modification of title or body, will be sent to the Program Committee for approval. Corrections, i.e., spelling or grammar, or author changes such as designation of different presenting author, changes to affiliations, changes to names, etc., can be completed without referral to the Program Committee. In either case, please contact Centennial Conferences by e-mail and specify whether you need a change or a correction in the e-mail subject line along with the Control ID.

Except for presenting author changes, modification and corrections will be accepted until September 23, 2022.

Abstract Withdrawals

  • Abstracts can be withdrawn via the abstract submission site through the abstract submission deadline.
  • Withdrawal requests after closing of the submission site must be sent to Centennial Conferences by e-mail. Please be sure to include your Control ID.


  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
  • Submitting author email addresses will be added to the ASEF (ASC) email list (if not already on the list) to ensure that conference announcements are received.
  • All abstracts submitted are disclosed to members of the ASC 2022 program committee and conference management. Abstracts accepted for presentation are made available publicly with launching the full conference program prior to the conference.


For questions, please contact Centennial Conferences by email at asc@centennialconferences.com.

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