Technical Program & Agenda
The ASC 2024 Conference Organizers & Program Committee occasionally need to make changes to the program. We urge you to check the schedule before and during the conference for last minute changes.
Session & Presentation ID Information
The Program ID code shows where in the program your work is scheduled:
The first character of the program ID code indicates the day of the Conference (Monday [1] thru Friday [5]). The next character(s) (E, L, M, J-ML, PL) denotes the conference area (Electronics, Large Scale, Materials, Joint-Materials & Large Scale, Plenary). Or or Po refer to an Oral or Poster session respectively. 1, 2 or 3 represent the time slots of the session. A, B, C, etc., differentiate the parallel sessions in a given session time slot. The final digit (01, 02, 03, etc.) denotes the presentation order within the session.
Examples of Session and Presentation ID’s for a morning, afternoon and late afternoon oral sessions are 1EOr1A–01, 1EOr2A–01, and 1EOr3A–01. Examples for the morning and afternoon poster sessions are 2LPo1A–01 and 2LPo2A–01.