ASEF Board Election

ASEF Board Election

The Applied Superconductivity Educational Foundation is run by a board of directors, the majority of whom are elected by participants at the conference. At each Applied Superconductivity Conference, two representatives from each of the topical areas of Electronics, Materials and Large Scale, are elected for a six-year term. Suggestions of volunteers for candidates to run for the Board are solicited. Persons submitting a valid petition before the indicated deadline will be placed on the ballot. A valid petition must (a) be signed by 10 or more people who have attended either of the last two conferences; (b) cannot have more than 2 signatures from persons from the same organization as the nominee.

Inquiries or nominations should be sent no later than March 23, 2022 to:

Judy Wu, University of Kansas
ASC 2022 Board Nominations Chair
Arthur Lichtenberger, University of Virginia
ASEF President, ASC 2022 Conference Chair

Voting Opens: October 23

2022 Nominees

Short bios can be viewed by clicking on the images below. These will also be posted on the Board Election Poster Boards located near the Registration Desks at the Hawaii Convention Center. Votes will be collected electronically and a link will be sent to all registered attendees when voting is open.

Voting will open on Sunday, October 23, 2022 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 2022.


E L E C T R O N I C S  
Emily Barrentine
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Edward Leonard, Jr.
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
Hirotaka Terai
National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Japan
The elected board members in Electronics are: Emily Barrentine and Hirotaka Terai.
L A R G E  S C A L E
Antonella Chiuchiolo
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Germany
Sastry Pamidi
Center for Advanced Power Systems and
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Tiina Salmi
Tampere University, Finland
The elected board members in Large Scale are: Antonella Chiuchiolo and Tiina Salmi.
Giuseppe Celentano
ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
Boris Maiorov
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Yanwei Ma
Institute of Electrical Engineering,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
The elected board members in Materials are: Giuseppe Celentano and Boris Maiorov.


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