The ASC’22 conference program on superconductive electronics will focus on devices and technologies that enable high-performance applications, including advanced computing, sensors and detection, quantum-based precision measurements, superconductive electronics-based systems, and quantum engineering. This year we welcome several new quantum systems topics to our program for a unique opportunity for the Quantum Information community to present their latest results in quantum computing/communication/sensing that involve the use of superconductors in any part of the Quantum System. The new submission topics for quantum systems can be found here (see E-17: Quantum systems). As in years past, the program will also be home to the Transition-Edge-Sensor (TES) Workshop, which has been an important part of ASC since 2008.
Large Scale
The ASC’22 conference program on large-scale systems will focus on superconducting magnets, superconducting cables, and related technologies for high energy physics, nuclear fusion, high magnetic fields, biological and analytical sciences, medicine, power, energy, transportation, and emerging fields.
The ASC’22 conference program on superconducting materials will focus on advances in processing, characterization, properties, industrial fabrication of superconducting thin films, bulks, wires/tapes, cables, high strength and insulation materials, SRF cavity materials for frontier physics, magnets and power applications.