Technical Program

Technical Program & Agenda

The ASC 2022 Conference Organizers & Program Committee occasionally need to make changes to the program. We urge you to check the schedule before and during the conference for last minute changes.

Special & Memorial Sessions

The ASC 2022 program committee is planning a number of special sessions which will be of interest for different attendees, including engineers/scientists, system-level developers, and industry-level representatives. Sessions will include special-invited and contributed presentations. Click here for details.

Session & Presentation ID Information

The Program ID code shows where in the program your work is scheduled:

The first character of the program ID code indicates the day of the Conference (Monday [1] thru Friday [5]). The next character(s) (E, L, M, PL) denotes the conference area (Electronics, Large Scale,  Materials, Plenary). Spe refer to special sessions Or or Po refer to an Oral or Poster session respectively. 1, 2 or 3 represent the time slots of the session.  A, B, C, etc., differentiate the parallel sessions in a  given session time slot. The final digits (01, 02, 03, etc.) denote the presentation order within the session.

Examples for a morning, afternoon and late afternoon oral sessions are 1EOr1A01, 1EOr2A01, and 1EOr3A01. Examples for the morning and afternoon poster sessions are 2LPo1A01 and 2LPo2A014.

Click on the image below to open the Schedule at a Glance in PDF format.



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