Publication & Manuscript Preparation Information
ASC 2022 offers the opportunity to publish selected, peer-reviewed papers submitted by conference attendees in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS), an archival, peer-reviewed, fully indexed and searchable journal published by the IEEE Council on Superconductivity. The publication process allows final manuscripts to be available on IEEE Xplore as early as 90 days after the conference, and most, if not all, accepted manuscripts will be available for download and citation prior to the scheduled August 2023 release of the entire Special Issue (vol. 33, no 5).
Manuscript Submission Site Opens
The manuscript submission site is scheduled to open for submission on Thursday, November 3, 2022. An email will be sent to the submitting author of the abstract with submission and login information.
Manuscript Submission Deadline
11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, November 13, 2022
Presentation is a Requirement for Publication!
Authors presenting at ASC 2022 are not required to submit a manuscript. For authors that choose to submit a manuscript, only subject matter presented at ASC 2022 will be considered for publication. This includes presentations in oral or poster format. The presentation should be given at the appointed time in the program, by the designated presenter. For posters, presentation means that an author is available during the duration of the poster session to discuss the work and answer questions. Posting of the pages of the manuscript does not constitute presentation. Changes to the program, which have been approved by the ASC 2022 Program Committee, will be allowed for submitted manuscripts.
An abstract accepted for presentation at ASC 2022 may not lead to a published paper in TAS. The Scope of TAS is described here, see page 2.
Manuscript Template
You can retrieve the TAS Special Issue manuscript template here. Re-use of old templates will be automatically detected and may force mandatory major revisions to comply with the approved template. Other helpful information (such as frequent errors to avoid) is available on this site as well.