Archives: Workshops

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Artificial Pinning Centers and the Quest of High Critical Current Densities in HTS Nanocomposites


As part of the Elevate Program, and with the goal of to promote educational opportunities and professional and leadership development, Short Course will be offered at ASC 2022. The Courses will follow the structure adopted in previous ASC and EUCAS Conferences. The classes are aimed at instructing attendees on different topics related to applied superconductivity, namely large scale, material and electronics applications. They are suitable for undergraduate or graduate students interested in superconducting applications, as well as physicists or engineers working on superconductivity-related fields who wish to broaden their background.

Short Courses

About workshop

As part of the Elevate Program, and with the goal of to promote educational opportunities and professional and leadership development, Short Course will be offered at ASC 2022. The Courses will follow the structure adopted in previous ASC and EUCAS Conferences. The classes are aimed at instructing attendees on different topics related to applied superconductivity, namely large scale, material and electronics applications. They are suitable for undergraduate or graduate students interested in superconducting applications, as well as physicists or engineers working on superconductivity-related fields who wish to broaden their background.

What you will learn?

Course names and descriptions will be available in the Spring.

Ally/Intervention Methods Workshop

In past conference events we have noticed a significant interest from attendees on methods to be a good ally to those under-represented in STEM. Therefore, this year an interactive workshop will be held focusing on providing strategies and intervention methods for allyship in our community. The event will discuss intervention methods for addressing different situations including sexual harassment, racial, ethnic, and/or gender/GBTQ discrimination, and unconscious bias, among others. We feel it is relevant to include a discussion on the legal aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion as it relates to intervention and allyship.

Virtual Manuscript Preparation Workshop

Despite being one of the most crucial steps in the scientific process, scientific writing is rarely taught in educational institutions. In this virtual manuscript preparation workshop we will go through some of the most common elements of style which can make scientific papers more impactful and easier to read. Our workshop will touch many areas: from basic scientific objectivity, to paragraph and manuscript structure, as well as storytelling and flow. We will show various examples of sentences, figures, tables, and paragraphs which can be transformed to create a clearer message—making the key take-aways stand out and, most importantly, be remembered by the readers.

Virtual Abstract Writing Workshop

Scientific communication is an essential but often overlooked skill in higher educational institutions. To address this gap, ASC’22 DEI presents a Virtual Abstract Writing Workshop (VAWW) with the aim to help prepare participants, aimed particularly at students and young professionals, to write higher quality abstracts. Great abstracts should be able to capture the readers’ attention with as little words as possible while conveying an effective summary of their scientific processes and results. Given that the language standard for scientific communication is generally in the English language, persons whose first language is not English face additional challenges in the scientific writing process. This event will address this need by providing examples of good quality abstracts and explore the pitfalls of abstract writing and how to avoid them while providing a particular focus on abstract writing techniques for non-native English speakers. This virtual event will be held during the abstract submission window.

Nulla nunc arcu vehiculasit amet augue et

About workshop

Maecenas ac nunc ante. Duis posuere lacinia lectus, sit amet ultrices tellus convallis sit amet. Etiam et ultricies ligula, pellentesque pulvinar massa. Morbi in erat mattis, fermentum turpis ut, tincidunt tortor. Donec pretium sem vel turpis viverra, at lobortis lectus posuere. Vestibulum fringilla libero quis eros auctor, non feugiat odio dapibus. Nulla nunc arcu, vehicula sit amet augue et, lacinia cursus diam. Suspendisse feugiat lacus nibh, id dignissim arcu porta dictum. Donec eget mauris molestie ante interdum scelerisque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ligula erat, dignissim ut tristique fermentum, porta in nisi. Sed ut diam id lorem tristique tristique. Donec in ex nec sem tristique accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum posuere orci enim.

What you will learn?

Donec vehicula quis est gravida tempus. Ut mattis consequat dui fringilla varius. Morbi nec interdum elit. Nullam egestas orci et ligula cursus, et vehicula mauris egestas. Vestibulum faucibus semper ligula et luctus. Mauris rhoncus egestas tincidunt. Suspendisse quis diam nec ante auctor hendrerit. Cras placerat dolor ante, at egestas nulla auctor vitae. Pellentesque fermentum magna at ultrices faucibus. Aenean finibus auctor ipsum, ac pulvinar enim feugiat quis. Cras tortor leo, sagittis et molestie nec, tempor vitae velit.

Nam rhoncus feugiatrisus nec cursus

About workshop

Maecenas ac nunc ante. Duis posuere lacinia lectus, sit amet ultrices tellus convallis sit amet. Etiam et ultricies ligula, pellentesque pulvinar massa. Morbi in erat mattis, fermentum turpis ut, tincidunt tortor. Donec pretium sem vel turpis viverra, at lobortis lectus posuere. Vestibulum fringilla libero quis eros auctor, non feugiat odio dapibus. Nulla nunc arcu, vehicula sit amet augue et, lacinia cursus diam. Suspendisse feugiat lacus nibh, id dignissim arcu porta dictum. Donec eget mauris molestie ante interdum scelerisque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ligula erat, dignissim ut tristique fermentum, porta in nisi. Sed ut diam id lorem tristique tristique. Donec in ex nec sem tristique accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum posuere orci enim.

What you will learn?

Donec vehicula quis est gravida tempus. Ut mattis consequat dui fringilla varius. Morbi nec interdum elit. Nullam egestas orci et ligula cursus, et vehicula mauris egestas. Vestibulum faucibus semper ligula et luctus. Mauris rhoncus egestas tincidunt. Suspendisse quis diam nec ante auctor hendrerit. Cras placerat dolor ante, at egestas nulla auctor vitae. Pellentesque fermentum magna at ultrices faucibus. Aenean finibus auctor ipsum, ac pulvinar enim feugiat quis. Cras tortor leo, sagittis et molestie nec, tempor vitae velit.

Mauris viverra aliquamscelerisque amet

About workshop

Maecenas ac nunc ante. Duis posuere lacinia lectus, sit amet ultrices tellus convallis sit amet. Etiam et ultricies ligula, pellentesque pulvinar massa. Morbi in erat mattis, fermentum turpis ut, tincidunt tortor. Donec pretium sem vel turpis viverra, at lobortis lectus posuere. Vestibulum fringilla libero quis eros auctor, non feugiat odio dapibus. Nulla nunc arcu, vehicula sit amet augue et, lacinia cursus diam. Suspendisse feugiat lacus nibh, id dignissim arcu porta dictum. Donec eget mauris molestie ante interdum scelerisque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ligula erat, dignissim ut tristique fermentum, porta in nisi. Sed ut diam id lorem tristique tristique. Donec in ex nec sem tristique accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum posuere orci enim.

What you will learn?

Donec vehicula quis est gravida tempus. Ut mattis consequat dui fringilla varius. Morbi nec interdum elit. Nullam egestas orci et ligula cursus, et vehicula mauris egestas. Vestibulum faucibus semper ligula et luctus. Mauris rhoncus egestas tincidunt. Suspendisse quis diam nec ante auctor hendrerit. Cras placerat dolor ante, at egestas nulla auctor vitae. Pellentesque fermentum magna at ultrices faucibus. Aenean finibus auctor ipsum, ac pulvinar enim feugiat quis. Cras tortor leo, sagittis et molestie nec, tempor vitae velit.

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